
Experienced and beginners

Skydive Sofia is a USPA licensed drop zone, accordingly we follow international safety regulations and all their licenses are recognized by us.

To jump at Skydive Sofia you need a valid parachute logbook, third party liability insurance and a license if you want to jump with other people.

We offer not only rigs, but also jumpsuits, goggles, helmets and altimeters for rent.

Our professional packers can also pack your parachute if you don’t have time between flights or you just feel more like jumping than packing!

Skydiving courses

At our drop zone you can find experienced instructors and coaches who can give you valuable advice, jump with you or give you guidance on how to pilot your canopy. We organize various courses for increasing the qualification, canopy piloting and popular disciplines such as Angle, Tracking, Freefly.

The only wingsuit instructor in Bulgaria, Konstantin Angelov, conducts his wingsuit first flight courses with us.


Stamped skydiving logbook. Declaration of health status, which is filled out on the spot.


General third-party liability insurance for skydiving, valid in Bulgaria.


Weight up to 100 kg.
Relaxed, not under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications.

Skydivers competitions

We also organize competitions for skydivers in various disciplines. The ICDSoft Cup is an annual competition for relative work, and in 2022 and 2023 it was for two-way RW.


1,500 meters jump


3,000 meters jump


4,200 meters jump


20 jumps from 4,200 meters

valid for 3 months 1280 BGN

50 jumps from 4,200 meters

valid for 6 months 3100 BGN

Coached jump




Rig rent and pack

40 BGN/jump

Altimeter rent

10 BGN/day

Jumpsuit rent

10 BGN/day

Helmet + goggles rent

5 BGN/day